Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Pancake Contractions

Students can learn contractions in a fun way without doing a worksheet using paper pancakes, spatula and a fry pan!
How to make the center: Cut out white and brown circles and glue them together so that one side is white and one side is brown.  Next, on the white side, write two words that make up a contraction such as did not (uncooked side).  On the back, brown side, (which is the cooked side), write the contraction such as didn't .  I also write the student directions on the outside of the envelope that the pancakes go into.   I use a different color marker for the apostrophe so it will show up better.  Next, purchase a small fry pan and spatula.
Student directions: Students can do this center in groups.  Students need white boards, markers or paper and pencils.  One student puts the white side up of one of the contractions on the fry pan.  All of the students write down the contractions.  Then, the same student flips the pancake over, to the brown side.  The students check their answer and make corrections if they need to. Next, the students create a sentence with that contraction on paper.  The students take turns putting the pancakes in the pan and flipping them.  Students keep all of their answers on the white board.
Accountability:  The teacher checks the papers or white boards to make sure the students have them all correct.


  1. What a fun way to teach contractions! I wonder if you can apply this method to some other topics as well. Pancakes just make everything so much better! :)

  2. Yes, you could use this for other topics! Thanks for your comment.
