Checking Comprehension Using Highlighter Tape
Figuring out the answer to a question is like turning on a light bulb. Aha, now you know the answer to that question. I call it the aha moment. To aid student comprehension I have students predict or infer what they think the title of the chapter means. When inferring, they are to use the clues from the book. The clues encompass words in the title, pictures, and what has been happening in the story up to this point in the book. The students are each given pieces of highlighter tape and are instructed to put it on parts of the book that explains the title of that chapter. Students may have different answers, that's ok if their answer makes sense. Then each student explains their reasoning for where they put their tape. This is an easy way to check comprehension using a manipulative.
Higher level thinking: have students create a new title for the book or chapter.