Sunday, June 10, 2012

Stamp A Story: Teaching word choice

The multicolored rainbow glistened in the blue sky.

First, read aloud a book that is rich in word choice and point out the descriptive language to students.  Next,  students look up synonyms in a thesaurus and write them down on a foldable. Then, I write sentences and model for them how I would change the sentences to make it sound more interesting. Then, the students make a picture with stamps and crayons and  write 3 sentences to go with their picture. The students edit their sentences by adding or changing words using the thesaurus and their schema. Last, the students make a picture with ink stamps and crayons.  Then, they write a story and edit it with a thesaurus and their schema. Stamp a story can then be used as a center or daily five activity!

                                                  Students write synonyms on a foldable

Sunday, June 3, 2012


It's easy, fun, and increases retention!  Students put sandpaper underneath white paper.  Next, the students write spelling words with crayons on top of the white paper ( the sandpaper is underneath). The students take away the sandpaper and trace over the letters with their fingers and say the letter names or letter sounds. They will be able to feel raised bumps when they trace the letters.  Students can: trace and chant, trace and whisper or trace and say. 

students write spelling words on top of white paper with sandpaper  underneath

students trace with their fingers and say letter names